The Film Just Didn't Work For Me
8 July 2018
Blood Suckers from Outer Space (1984)

* (out of 4)

A failed photographer and a hot lady somehow (and unbelievably) run into one another while in Texas and before long they are heading out to see his relatives. It turns out that they have already turned into "blood suckers from outer space" as well as other farmers. The two must try and battle the creatures without turning into them as well.

Look, comedy is a very subjective thing. There's no question about that and I'm sure there are many people out there who fell for the charm of this movie and really love it. Yes, it's poorly acted, has awful sets and at times is poorly made but I'm pretty sure all of this was on purpose. I'm sure many will love the low-budget look and style of the picture but sadly it just didn't work for me.

What can I say? The comedy and the attempt at spoofing these type of low-budget horror movies just didn't work for it. I understood what the film was going for and I give the filmmakers credit for it but the only thing is that the film never really grabbed me to the point where I fell for its humor and enjoyed what I was watching. It's really as simple as that.

Usually when I give a film such a low rating it means that I hated the picture for one reason or another but that's certainly not the case here. It's just better to say that I didn't connect with the film but I'm sure others will. I will say that I loved the look of the creatures and the no-budget gore effects were nice.
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