A Fantastic Remaster:
18 July 2018
"WHOA!" Whoa is right, what a terrific remaster of a fantastic original trilogy. After 27 hours of playing, I've finally completed the entire Crash Bandicoot trilogy. In this review I will be breaking down the pros and cons of each game and why, ultimately, this remaster, is definitely worth a buy.

Crash Bandicoot - 7.2/10
  • Pros:
  • Great Level Designs.
  • Fantastic animated cut scenes.
  • The right amount of levels, doesn't go on for too long.
  • Good Boss Battles (Excluding the final one).
  • Beautiful Soundtrack.
  • Cons:
  • Some bugs/glitches.
  • There will be alot of times when you'll feel like you deserved to live for the jump you made in the game, and the game kills you. Sometimes the game kills you unfairly.
  • That last boss battle is based on pure luck and requires no skill.
  • The High Road (honestly, screw the high road).
Nor Pro/Con -+ Can be frustrating for some people, but I like a challenge, so this is not a pro or con. The only downright frustrating level is the "The High Road". God, I hate that level.

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back! - 9.2/10
  • Pros:
  • Fixes most of the problems I had with the first game.
  • Fantastic level designs, much better than the first.
  • Beautiful Soundtrack. (Again)
  • Great Boss battles, once again, excluding that last one.
  • Great gameplay additions, e.g. the slide.
  • A lot of fun.
  • Difficulty is massively lowered.
  • Cons:
  • The final boss battle is too easy and quite boring. Left me on a sour note after I first completed the game.
  • Some glitches/bugs (like the first game, but much less in comparison).

Crash 3: Warped - 9/10
  • Pros:
  • Some great and interesting level design. Probably the best of the trilogy.
  • Great gameplay addition, e.g. the double jump.
  • Beautiful Soundtrack (Yeah, it deserves to be recognized three times over).
  • Once again, a lot of fun.
  • Cons:
  • Frustrating final boss battle.
  • Once again, some glitches/bugs, but not too noticeable.
Nor Pro/Con: -+ Might be too easy. I finished this game (not 100%ing it, but just finishing the Neo Cortex boss battle) in less than 3hrs.

Conclusion: A fantastic remaster that boosts a great soundtrack. Overall, stunning visuals and optimized beautifully (a pro that I left from all 3 games because I wanted to acknowledge it once in the conclusion), this remaster is definately worth a buy. I loved playing this, and I'd love for Spyro to be placed onto PC as well. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is fantastic and I recommend it to everyone!

Final Score: 8.5/10
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