Better Call Saul: Smoke (2018)
Season 4, Episode 1
What a way to start season 4!
7 August 2018
There is no doubt anymore, we are witnessing the best spinoff series of all time. This is just getting better and better with each season, taking it's time to build the characters, and slowly but steady leading us towards the events of Breaking Bad.

There is so many ways this show could have gone wrong, just that they try and make a spinoff to maybe the best tv series of all time, is brave or stupid enough, but that it is turning out to become maybe on par with Breaking Bad, totally unprecedented, it has never before happened in Tv series, ever.

This first episode of Season 4 just nails it to the core, it is perfect, i could not take my eyes off the screen for one second, every scene is orchestrated with surgical precision, the suspense is immense. And now finally we start to see the transition from BCS to BB, it is what we have all been eagerly waiting for.

I can't really go into specifics without spoiling anything. But holy cow, now it begins folks, this is IT!

I will go as far as to say that this might be the best episode of the series yet, It set's up all the play for weeks to come, it's just masterfully done, what brilliant brilliant writers Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould are.

And a big big shout to Minkie Spiro which directed this masterpiece.
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