Enjoyable Ride
24 August 2018
The Ninth Passenger is a suspense/horror film based in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. As soon as I heard it was produced by the same executive producer as the critically acclaimed "It Follows" (97% Rotten Tomatoes) one of my favorite movies of 2014, I was in.

The Ninth Passenger starts out more as a comedy (and a good comedy), than a horror. It's quite funny! Creepy Corey Large (Malcolm) is hilarious as is the sliminess of Tom Maden (Lance). The comedic value in combination with the the film's suspense, creates a push-pull effect on your emotions that prevents them from settling down... a good thing in this genre.

I won't get into the story (you can read that anywhere) but I will say, it's refreshing that it actually has one. This genre is notorious for mindless hack 'n' slash, gore filled CGI crap and I'm happy to say, The Ninth Passenger stands out in this regard. It does not try to impress you with gore, instead, it takes the high road and presents a well written, suspense filled plot. There are plenty of twists and turns and it is surprisingly unpredictable. You never really know what's going to happen next.

Acting is solid across the board, and the cast works very well together. There is a perfect combination of characters... beautiful, slimy, hilarious, nerdy and powerful. It creates a compelling dynamic that fits the genre perfectly.

The score is fantastic throughout the entire film! It creates a suspenseful and moody atmosphere that really stirs your emotions. I really loved it.

The cinematography is also well done and creates a real sense of Pacific Northwest creepiness. From being stranded on a yacht in the middle of the ocean, to feeling lost and isolated on a forested island, there is a strong sense of fear and desperation throughout the entire film.

More than anything though, The Ninth Passenger is enjoyable. At the end of the day, regardless of genre, I believe a film should take you away and provide enjoyment, whether that equates to laughter, intrigue, love, education or fear. The Ninth Passenger does this perfectly. It's a well thought out, fun yet very suspenseful ride! Definitely recommended and room for a sequel. Fingers crossed!
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