"That Musical Episode" Or "Still Sh***y after all these years"
29 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 Episode 2 Host: Paul Simon. Music: Randy Newman/Phoebe Snow 10/18/75 6.5 (rating) /171 (voters) as of 8/28 on IMDB

This show marked the first public appearance of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel together since 1972. There are 10 musical performances in this episode, the most ever for the show. The Not Ready For Prime Time Players appear only once in the very brief Bee sketch except for Chevy Chase who also appears in the opening and Weekend Update.

Open: Paul Simon performs "Still Crazy After All These Years," 8/10 This would be the first time Chevy Chase would do his signature pratfall that would open the show for the entire time he was a cast member

Paul Simon performs "Loves Me Like a Rock" (with Jesse Dixon), 5/10

The skits for this episode are as follows: former Chicago Seven member Jerry Rubin pitches graffiti wallpaper. 7/10...good for American history significance.

Paul Simon performs "Marie," 5/10...30 secondish song...(randy newman song)...who rarely performs on tv according to simon but accepted the invite from Paul Simon and performs a song Simon claims he wish he had written...

Randy Newman performs "Sail Away". 5/10

The Bees are informed by Paul Simon that their skit has been cut from this week's show. quick bit, but focuses on the cast that are pushed aside in this episode.

During the Weekend Update, Chevy Chase reports about President's Ford's car accident and Muhammad Ali's newest name change, while Marv Albert reports on a basketball game between Paul Simon and Connie Hawkins. On this edition of "Weekend Update", Chevy Chase opens with the words, "Good evening, I'm Chevy Chase, here to keep you up on what's going down." He will use his now-famous catchphrase, "Good evening, I'm Chevy Chase and you're not," for the first time in Episode 1.4. Paul Simon is the first SNL host to play a role in the sketch. 5/10...god did this drag on.

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel memory collage

Paul Simon performs and "The Boxer" (with Art Garfunkel), 5/10 "Scarborough Fair" (with Art Garfunkel), 7/10 and "My Little Town," (with Art Garfunkel), 5/10

Art Garfunkel performs "I Only Have Eyes for You". Introduced by Simon. Timeless song. Nice to see Garfunkel on his own. 7/10.

The Muppets. Ploobis & Scred seek financial help from the Mighty Favog. 5/10

Albert Brooks presents a film of failed Candid Camera-style stunts. 5/10

Phoebe Snow performs "No Regrets". (Billy Holiday song) 0/10. This was appalling.

Paul Simon performs "Gone at Last" (with Phoebe Snow and Jesse Dixon). 6/10

A mock commercial demonstrates the strength of Try-Hard batteries in a head-to-head contest powering pacemakers. 5/10

"American Tune," (with Art Garfunkel), 5/10.

So...SNL was still trying to find its voice...and this is a mostly musical episode. Which would be great...I mean Paul Simon was there! But if you look at the songs performed out of the 10 musical performances (!) ...most songs (or performances) don't hold up. This was a necessary episode for SNL to decide what kind of show they were going to be. I love the Muppets, but this is 2 for 2 where the skit has fallen flat. Skippable episode.

85/160 possible points =5.31 or 5/10 on imdb on 8/28/2018.
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