Westworld: Dissonance Theory (2016)
Season 1, Episode 4
Big clue to S2E10 events here
31 August 2018
How can I explain this without a spoiler?

The big question of this series is "Who is a host and who is a human"? Also, "is it now?"- we are never sure when certain events have occurred.

We know that hosts never age.

There is also a question of when a scene actually happened: we've seen Ford from 30 years prior, as a young man in this episode.

We see someone else in here who is young 30 years prior to current events: but he's still young 30 years later.

At first I thought this was a plot hole but then I realized this person is a host as well, and it never occurred to be until watching S1 after watching S2. But it was only because of that, that I noticed this.

It's hard to tell when in time Delores went off her loop in this episode: But somebody in the control room sends a sheriff to go get her and bring her back to Sweetwater.

Now there are questions about host memories, questions about when exactly certain things happen, questions about whether we are seeing something from today or from years ago. Because for the hosts, memories are not blurry, they are sharp and focused, as they are always questioning whether or not it is "now".

This time discrepancy becomes much more pronounced in season 2, there are things happening in S2E1 that started in later episodes- like where did that ocean come from.

But taking in what we know about when things actually happened: spot for me the guy in this very episode who is 30 years out of time- unless he's a host we never knew about. And we never know about many people in this show.

A lot of things about season one have become clear after watching season two, this is something that otherwise would have been a huge glaring plot hole had we not known what we know after watching all 20 eps of this show. And it just goes to show how the writers have considered every contingency, in planning this extremely complex scenario. You'd think Ford planted every blade of grass in Westworld.
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