Buddies (1985)
Hard Hitting and Raw Drama
4 September 2018
Buddies (1985)

*** (out of 4)

This ground-breaking drama centers around Robert (Geoff Edholm), a New York City man who is in the hospital dying of AIDS. One day David (David Schachter) comes to visit him as a "Buddy" and the two of them quickly build a friendship, although David knows the story only has one ending.

BUDDIES was one of the very first films to deal with AIDS and homosexuality and it was directed by Arthur J. Bressan Jr. who was actually suffering from the virus while making this picture. In fact, the director would end up dying of AIDS a few years after this film and I think his ghost is hanging all over this picture.

I say his ghost is hanging all over this picture because the film really does come across as a first-hand account of what it was like to have this virus during the 80's and what it was like waiting to die. The film is certainly very depressing and it's rather raw in the way it takes a look at a life cut short and I think it's clear that the director was working out his own demons here.

As I said, the film is exceptionally raw and there are some brutal moments on hand here. As good as this film is, at the same time it's pretty hard to recommend it since the thing is so depressing as I'm sure most people aren't going to want to watch someone slowly dying. The film is about loss, the film is about not wanting to die and it's about regret. It's certainly not a very cheerful movie but at the same time it's so well-made that you can't help but get caught up in its emotions.

Both Edholm and Schachter are good in their roles. I wouldn't say either of them are great as there are a few weak moments in the performances but for the most part they hit all of the right notes and I'd argue that both of them help add tot he rawness of the picture. I thought both of them had a great relationship with each other and as the friendship builds you really do feel it.

BUDDIES isn't the easiest film to sit through but there's no question that it's an important picture and one that deserves more attention than it has gotten over the years.
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