Complex and brilliant
14 September 2018
I'm not sure what this other reviewer (that gave it 1 star) watched but it wasn't this hilarious and challenging film that defies expectations, challenges the viewer and re-writes the blueprint for exploitation cinema. You might think this is your typical women in prison trash but it's really a feminist deconstruction that still manages to deliver all the graphic sex and violence one would expect from these. The effects are really good too and the dialog is very funny. Laugh out loud amazing! This is so much better than it should be! I find it refreshing that anyone would take the time with this grind house staple and re-work it so carefully with these successful results.

The acting is wonderful. What makes this movie so fun is it takes every cliche that one associates with this genre, especially character, and turns it upside down. Nothing develops as expected. And the way it all comes together is so satisfying and brilliant. Stand outs are the evil warden, the new girl, the lead prisoner Val (genius), the religious zealot, crazed CIA boss and the comic relief President.

Totally original and very twisted, this is by far the stand out in all the films I've seen in 2018. I'll be hunting down everything this writer has done. That's for sure. If you want to see a really well made film with strong (beautiful) women and a heck of a good time, then this is it. I hope they make a sequel because it ended to fast. Loved Val. She deserves her own film.
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