Madame (I) (2017)
Nice Cinderella story
7 November 2018
It was a fine comedy with a strong beginning but a rather weakish second half. Toni Collette was great and and the top of her game with another great characters under her belt and she once again proved her abilities as a true chameleon actress. Also she was quite sexy here, that just on a side note. It was good to see Harvey Keitel in another major role and he obviously had a lot of fun with his character. A very vital performance. The true highlight of the film is the performance of Rossy de Palma. What a riot! She totally owns every scene she is in with her great charmes comedic timing and depth. A very good supporting performance. The rest of the cast is solid enough to give the film some drive. The screenplay was not great, as I said story and dialogue worked at the beginning but it seems they ran out of ideas quite quick and did not offer a great conclusion and neither a very interesting development. Fine score and good cinematography make it worthwhile.
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