Many viewers have accused Warner Bros. of being extremely misogynist . . .
15 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . with their release of BLONDES AT WORK, but ARE they? Many if not most film buffs are aware of the fact that the always eponymous Warner Bros. have served as America's proverbial "canary in the coal mine," warning us of our upcoming Calamities, Catastrophes, Cataclysms, and Apocalypti for nearly a century. Because BLONDES AT WORK seems (to some casual movie consumers) to feature the twin themes of women horning in on a Man's World, and Femme Fatales slicing up the Flower of the American Ruling Class, they consider this flick to be a sexist warning against women in the work place, and against dates with lower class females who have not been thoroughly vetted. However, please note that the murder weapon in question is a plastic paper knife! BLONDES AT WORK clearly is warning America that the next 9-11 may well be carried out by terrorists wielding lethal weapons STILL virtually invisible to the best Security Systems that money can buy. A more careful review of BLONDES AT WORK may suggest to perceptive viewers that the Warner Bros. are promoting creation of a Task Force primarily composed of Platinum Blondes be trained to scare the brimstone out of the predominantly male Terrorist Community. As these BLONDES AT WORK march through our major public gatherings, sports venues, transportation hubs, and campaign rallies like something out of HEATHERS, ASSASSINATION NATION, or DEADPOOL, those who want to harm America will quake in their boots, cease, and desist, thanks to Warner Bros. and BLONDES AT WORK!
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