Nightlight (I) (2015)
20 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ethan Crowe (Kyle Fain) leaves a suicide note about going into the infamous Covington forest with a flashlight and killing himself. Robin (Shelby Young) goes to the forest to play flashlight games with the cool kids and Ben (Mitch Hewer) who she secretly likes and not the pimply faced Ethan. The kids play their games, tell stories about the woods, scare Robin and then....

This is another hand held camera film that is not technically a hand held camera. Instead they gimmick the idea and show the film through the viewpoint of various flashlights which gives us the same irritating effect as a hand held camera: kids screaming in the dark, camera shaking while we can't see what is going on, lots of footage of the ground.

I liked the basic plot idea of a haunted forest with demons, spirits, mad dogs, and bats. I was impressed as this was the first horror film that I recall that used the word "precipice." As far as entertainment, the film didn't deliver. You didn't see much horror. The jerking motion designed to create horror and confusion is dead. It doesn't do it. It is time for film makers to move on if that is all they got. Special effects consisted of fake blood and flashlights turning on and off. The only time I got creeped out was when my light burned out while watching the film.

Train scene might lead to bad imitation behavior.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Male butt nudity. Women bra /panties.
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