Red Christmas (I) (2016)
Failed Abortion
26 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to be sure what to make of this movie, or even where it stands on the issue it tries to discuss. I think it is an anti-abortion message but I am still not sure since if so the message seems to be 'don't get an abortion in case it doesn't work and the baby comes back grown up to murder your family', which seems like a pretty convoluted and farfetched message to base your film on.

It's not just the message that is confused though, everything in this film seems off. The makers try to blend serious drama with gross-out low budget horror and it doesn't come off well. It's not terrible however, the effects are pretty good at times and the drama does provoke some interesting ideas, it's just all such a mess that it is hard to truly enjoy. It might be more enjoyable if they either added some sublty or simplified the plot a little bit. It's like it tries to cover all sides, but with such a complex issue that just muddies the story, like are we supposed to feel sorry for the killer, because at first it seems so, but then he comes across as pretty unforgivable, and at the same time all the victims come across as arseholes, but then the film seems to want us to root for them. If this is a Christian movie then it is also interesting that their Christian characters are clearly repressed hypocrites, maybe this was a criticism on bad Christians, but it is never made clear.

Overall this is one movie that could actually do with an information dump at the start by the filmmakers on their intentions, then maybe you wouldn't spend the whole time trying to figure out what they are trying to say rather than enjoying the movie. There are some interesting ideas, but pretty much too messy to really get into.
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