My Christmas Prince (2017 TV Movie)
Most insipid movie EVER? *smile emoji*
16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It won't surprise you that this movie (not to be confused with "A Christmas Prince" or "A Prince for Christmas") is not good. When I turned it on, I actually was looking for a completely undemanding and formulaic movie - just the thing to watch while still not de-jetlagged after a full day of travel! And it didn't disappoint!

But in fact, it *did* surprise me in the lengths to which the screenplay went to completely dissipate any conflict and give prizes to everybody.* We expect Samantha to get her prince and the prince to get his Samantha, but then it is as if Oprah comes out of the wings and says that "EVERYBODY gets a prince!* You get a prince! You get a princess!" It is the kind of movie where if there are two people and one cookie, it will turn out that one of the people doesn't like cookies, and also the cookie is happy to be eaten by the other one.

The cast are better than the screenplay - they would just about have to be :-)

That's really about all there is to say.

*except the Black Roommate
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