If only the animation quality lived up to the incredible voice talent...
22 December 2018
You can really tell the the 10 million dollar budget went mostly to the incredible cast of talented actors that they hired for this. Sadly, that also meant that the animation quality suffered. It's been 20 years since its release and those 20 years have not been kind. The animation is stiff, choppy, and lacks enough mouth movements to be convincing whenever a character speaks. It doesn't help that the actual story is something of a cringe fest. Those awkward teen years of Rudolph's really didn't do the character much justice. The music and the lyrics are also either really sappy, or just silly, but so really in a fun way. I suppose that if you put this in front of children they might enjoy it, but I'm of the belief that children are far smarter that we give them credit for, and they would take one look at this and move on a few minutes in. Still, if you really want to watch it, watch it for John Goodman, Whoopi Goldberg, Kathleen Barr, Bob Newhart, and a true plethora of genuine talent in the voice acting community. They alone are worth giving this average at best movie a watch, even if the actual movie isn't what you would call a shining moment in any of their careers.
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