I Am Vengeance (II) (2018)
Cheap, cliched, and not much fun
27 December 2018
It isn't very often that you come across a British action movie, which "Vengeance" (a.k.a. "I am Vengeance") is. But if you are unfortunate enough to watch this movie, you'll see why British filmmakers make very few action movie. It's an awesomely cheap affair, seemingly with interiors filmed in abandoned buildings and empty storefront that have been hastily and skimpily set dressed. The camera is also jammed in close to the actors more often than not (another tell-tale sign of a low budget), and the cinematography is dreary and sometimes blurry. The movie is also saddled with a bad script. The script has absolutely NO surprises; you'll have seen every plot turn in hundreds of American action movies before. The script doesn't even really take advantage of the British setting; with almost no rewriting, this story could be taking place in America. The lead character is also written (and performed, for that matter) to be little more than a brutal thug with no heart or sympathy attached to him. As for the action, it's a long time coming; you have to wait until almost the halfway point for the first real action scene. And when the action does come, it's choreographed and directed in a manner that's lame and confusing at worse, and utterly routine at best. In the end, the movie is only recommended for people who have never seen an action movie before... or any other movie before, for that matter.
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