Review of Brother

Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Bit of a Mixed Bag
18 January 2019
Plenty of fan service in this episode which attempts to address fan complaints of the first season. First of all regular cast members who were overlooked in the first season get more screen time. As we all know Star Trek is an ensemble show about varied groups of people coming together to address problems. This aspect was seriously missing from the first season. Not so in this episode. I hope the show continues in this vane as it's an essential part of what makes Star Trek what it is. The special effects were top notch. They also appear to have tried to address some of the fantasy science problems of season one but yet again there's a problem here that involves Saru's eyes that I wont go into so as to avoid spoilers. Another issue is pace and cutting, a shuttle rescue scene serves no purpose and seems to have been added just to ramp up the action. Which leads to the pacing this is basically an action episode but it jumps between action and melodrama snappily. This weakens the overall effect of either the action or drama creating uneven pacing. A solid effort but nowhere near the best Trek or Discovery so far.
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