Glass (2019)
Totally Falls apart at the end
19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For the first half of this film I was totally amazed. I literally thought M. Night Shaloyman was back 100%. Better than ever.

But then....with that last third of the was back to the typical cookie cutters of films today with ultra violence and overlength. But the ending is just totally devasting and was almost a "(IMDb surely won't let me say the word here) you" ending. I mean that ending was just totally ultra tragic and devastating. Especially with ..... well I don't want to spoil it all except that I can hint on that you'll probably want to blurt out in the theatre "that's Murder" when you see it happen. I mean that ending was more painful to watch than the Saints/Eagles regular season game this year.

The first half and maybe even the first two thirds are great/fantastic. As the grand finale gets set to go it still seems really great and interesting, but they instead ...... well I know the rule...... you have to see M Night Shaloyman's films twice to understand. But I really wanted to see James Mcavoy character climb the tall building at the end and then maybe go off into 5 different personalities while Samuel L Jackson character just rolled his when he was explaining to him what to do at the top of the building.

The film though at the very end is totally left open ended. It seems that's the end.....or they'll start with three new characters now
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