Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Looks Pretty, Makes no Sense
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't think there was a single scene that made sense from beginning to end in this entire episode. Logic? What's logic?

It certainly looks pretty. I might watch another episode just to look at it. It would probably be more enjoyable if I mute it, though.

Just... I don't even know where to begin. The Enterprise is massively disabled by some vague incident that may be related to the vague signals. Let's not investigate that before charging ahead, let's just go. It is towed somewhere to be fixed by someone. So there are lots of ships nearby? Who's this engineer? Why did she come with? Is she the chief engineer? Why isn't she fixing her ship? The Discovery already has engineers. Does she know something useful? If so, why doesn't she say anything? Was that a picture of the whole galaxy with the red bursts spread around it? It takes years to get around just one quadrant. That's why the Enterprise was on a 5-year mission. So we're like two hours from the one burst that stayed on? Why did we come out of warp a kilometer from this thing, surrounded by debris? Let's not quantify risks, but just charge in cause we're manly, and because Michael can do anything. Why does the Discovery conveniently have incredible pods? Again, if you're going to put your show in an existing universe, in a period that's already been explored, have some respect for the source material. Why do those pods have some crazy tubular launching mechanism? If you're on autopilot, why is the science officer doing his own custom calculations? Calculations? Of what? Why does nobody listen to Pike? Why does nobody care when the science officer dies? How can Pike's pod fly on a straight line for three minutes without hitting anything when he loses control? Why does the deceleration of stopping from extreme speeds not harm Michael and Pike? How has the engineer survived for ten months with only injured crew members on a wrecked ship? Why did she feel the need to create hovering robots? Why didn't they use the pattern buffers to beam out Michael as soon as the pad went down? Why did they need to send Pike back before beaming her out? Why isn't the rock stuck in her leg a sample for Tilly? Why do they have to capture THIS random piece of huge asteroid, and not any of the other million pieces floating around? Why does Pike say his mission is complete, when they still don't know anything about the signals? Why does Pike encourage Michael to snoop around in Spock's room? Why does Michael think it is okay to listen to Spock's personal logs? Why was Michael taken to Vulcan as an orphan instead of Earth? Why is Spock a little jerk?

I feel like I could keep going.

This was trash. There was no thought put into any of these scenes. How can they spend untold wads of cash on these amazing visuals, but not have someone with a shred of logic in their brains even give the script a once-over?
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