The X-Files: Gender Bender (1994)
Season 1, Episode 14
First time was the charm?
20 January 2019
I was thrilled watching this show when it first aired and now am enjoying having all the episodes on DVD, but I'm noticing something that I guess didn't bother me before.

As has been generally noted, each episode has incredible production values and structure - enough for a full length movie and therein is where perhaps I am seeing the problem now. Everything is too rushed. Has to be to squeeze (pardon the pun) everything in in less than an hour.

For example in this episode, the banter between Mulder and Scully is quite rapid - first Mulder says something and Dana replies almost instantly. Would have been better (and more dramatic) if more time had been taking by each to reply. Also more realistic as it takes time to think through what someone else says and come up with a reply. Also this episode is over too quickly without having the time to more fully explore and expand all the details. We see the cult member "Marty" transform several times - how interesting it could have been if towards the end we saw him/her transform to his/her "real" form - also perhaps more of the sect leaving: glimpse of their craft or cut to a military base's radar operations in the area:

"Sir, I just notice an anomaly in sector 6." "Yes?" "Sir, object appeared on my screen at low altitude, then quickly shot up and out of range." "Identification?" "No sir, didn't match anything I'm familiar with and when it left, nothing I know of can move that fast."
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