Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
You liked the last movies? This is what Star Trek is now.
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A new season, a fresh start. I was somewhat hopeful, at least curious. Then I was annyoyed. I said to myself, ah, come on, it's just a couple minutes in, keep going. Then I was annoyed again. And again. And Again. The writing is moronic. Send me the scripts, I make them 20% less laughable for free.

Morse code. Really? WOW. Apart from the lack of logic (not a standard to be found here), is there any older trope for ingenuity? The entire scene is ridiculous, uh, action drama, we can't communicate, let's loose our excrements, oh wait, Pike beams over, all cool. Then elevator slapstick.

The tone and pacing is all over the place.

Everybody solemnly pledges to never leave nobody behind, because that's what Star Fleets "moral authority" is all about...

Half-witted officer dies, no one even mentions him again. Cool. Must have been the mark by the snot of death (bodily fluids humour is exactly not what they should have copied from the Orville).

They came up with a new version of the "enhance image" trope, it's Saru's eyes! He is the only one able to take advantage of the Discovery's screen full resolution, but only if specifically told to look closely. Obviously.

Of course everybody talks fantasy-techno-babble, but the actors can't convincingly sell it because there is zero research behind the words, so they are not even remotely grounded in current understanding of physics. Sure, who cares, the average Star Trek fan wouldn't even know the difference, right?

So what is this even about? Some mysterious signal..ok. Let's explore. A red angel?? Premonitions? Ugh, come on, how clichée can you get?

Ah, I don't want to waste any more time on listing stupidity. Its sad that the excellent visuals and production value get wasted on those scripts. As if no one switches on their brain and actually reads before making it.

Even sadder, Alex Kurtzman, director of this episode and co-writer of the J.J. Abrams Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness, oversees everything Trek. That is the direction. It is no mistake. It's popcorn movies.You like the last Star Trek Movies? That is what Discovery is going to be.
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