Filled with cringeworthy segments and overall hard to watch
28 January 2019
I only watched this because it was recommended by someone who makes nutrition videos on YouTube but god damn, I could've done without.

The segment with the mother who overdosed her own child with vitamin D was particularly weird. I didn't get the point of showing a mother being a moron about feeding her baby. What exactly was the viewer supposed to get out of that? That you're not supposed to give a newborn 30 doses of a vitamin at a single meal? I think that's pretty common sense and they could've come up with a better explanation of what happens if you overdose. The vibe I got from it was that the overdose was accidental until she openly admitted she administered 30 doses every meal cause it sounded better to her. What?

The singing segments were particularly cringe, I hit mute after a few seconds of that until they were done. Not sure what the hell the director was thinking by including kiddie segments in a documentary about nutrition, something that only adults will watch. It's insulting to my intellect to be fed information in the form of a song like I'm 4 years old and couldn't possibly comprehend it otherwise.

The music was overall trippy and strange. Felt like an indie movie. The colorful childish motion graphics were out of place. There are way better ways to find out about vitamins by searching on YouTube and reading DrAxe than spending so many minutes watching this awkward drivel.
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