I came here because of 'Under a Silver Lake'
26 February 2019
I thought that was a masterly work of art, and yet when I came to this one, for some odd reason I absolutely fought it for no other logical reason than in short, I just thought this is going to be botched all up as so many teen type of flicks loaded with characters and dialogue usually are, and waht I mean botched up is cliched and boring; but this, after getting over myself, this was neither a botched job nor boring, it was magnificent!

I can't really go over why I absolutely loved it , I would have to go point for point with some double essay at length stripping all apart and then putting it back together and coming up with ways that make this masterly but... dang! lol

I just I don't know, it was excellent, sweet and just hit the spot!

One thing I might add, the coolest scene in the flic, and by coolest I mean when a character goes off on a tangent leaving behind her friends and plots and designs for something different and in this case, we have the cute lil' short haired blond whom I am sure we all fell in love with and pray hoped to see her in other projects but alas! that is not so, what happened? terrible, terrible dissipation of talent! Because her lil' dance to that cool music was irreverently flying against the face of all that is convention and just like this gem, it just worked!

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