Dead in the Water (2018 TV Movie)
A Good Try to A Good Die!
26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film wasn't so bad... Yeah Right!

A very strong start and not too bad acting considering it was a syfy film. Then all hell broke loose and the film flopped completely.

Not to give too much away. The all female cast was a refreshing take on an already done and dusted plot of setting up a story to believe in. Let's just not mention the scenes where the ladies are fixing the engine - tee hee hee!

Once the alien/monster/sea creature is revealed, complete bordom kicks in until when the film ends and a sigh of relief is given.

With all that said. Not a bad try and not a bad story. But that's all that allows this film to score a fantastic 5 out of 10 stars.

Back to the drawing board for syfy!
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