Compelling expose
4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary by Nick Broomfield is a follow-up to his earlier piece AILEEN WUORNOS: THE SELLING OF A SERIAL KILLER. This one was made ten years down the line, when Wuornos herself was about to be executed by lethal injection for her crimes. I haven't seen the earlier film but I know the case well from both the film MONSTER as well as various true-crime books on the subject. And what an eye-opener this is. Broomfield uses the case to shine a light into some of the darkest corners of American society. Wuornos turns out to be perhaps the biggest victim of them all, a victim of neglect, abuse, exploitation and patriarchal dominance since childhood. The psychology is in-depth and the documentary never less than compelling, albeit highly depressing and upsetting with it.
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