Holy mother of god !!
8 March 2019
From the start i want to say, I know nothing about the manga its based on. I wanted to see the movie first, just to make sure I wouldn't be dissapointed if it didn't stay true to its source material.

But holy crap ! It doesn't matter ! This is simply spectacular. Apart from a really uninspired moment, and it's only 1, everything else is beautifully made. CGI is gorgeous, nothing comes close at this point in time. Characters, especially Alita, are well interpreted and fun to watch. When the action starts, it carries on until the end and it's seriously engaging. And Alita.... uf. I wish this was a longer movie, it deserved another hour of runtime, just so it would go in depth about her backstory. I want to know more and I want to see it with the same jaw dropping CGI they pulled off in this movie.

Look, I know it's not the most coherent review, but please believe when I say this movie deserves all the praise it gets and more. Go watch it, pay for the ticket and give James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez as much money as possible, I want to see sequels.

Simply well-made, fun and engaging. Go see it.
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