Review of Tag

Tag (I) (2018)
"Tag" is a very fun movie and it captures what it feels like to be a kid again.
9 March 2019
Review for "Tag" (7/10)

"Tag" is a very fun movie and it captures what it feels like to be a kid again, playing a fun "little" game of tag. You probably know by now that Tag is based on a true story. When they were nine-years-old, a group of tight-knit friends created a game of tag that they played for the duration of the month of May. Every year, for thirty years, it continued, regardless of where they were or what they were doing. That didn't change until one of the group, who had never been tagged, is believed to be about to quit. Now, the game is on more than ever. The ensemble cast boasts Jeremy Renner, Jon Hamm, Ed Helms, Jake Johnson and Hannibal Buress as the taggers alongside Isla Fisher, Leslie Bibb, and Rashida Jones. For his first movie directing job, Jeff Tomsic, effortlessly and stylishly choreographs. The cast is great, and Renner really gets to show off his comedy and action acting abilities. A major reason for Tag succeeding is that the script is on point. It doesn't feel forced and it doesn't feel like it is merely a series of tropes or clichés even though it plays with many of them. What you end up with is a movie that nestles nicely between familiar and fresh. If anything, I'd have liked to have seen Tag really earn its R-rating and go a bit harder. While there are a few moments that are close to the bone, I think it could have taken the whole thing a bit further. Regardless, it's worth checking out. Tag isn't a comedy classic but it's certainly entertaining and delivers what it promises along with a few welcome surprises. As a whole, it's never anything less than entertaining with some nicely twisted touches.
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