Pass On It And Pass It On
30 March 2019
When defense worker William Henry works out that someone who did this caused the death of his brother, he goes looking.

Ricardo Cortez decides that wartime rubber shortages offers him an opportunity, so he starts hijacking rubber and selling badly-made "used" tires. When defense worker William Henry works out that someone who did this caused the death of his brother, he goes looking.

It is a real bottom-of-the-barrel second feature for Monogram, with the propaganda bits laid on with a trowel. Rochelle Hudson, as Cortez' girlfriend, demonstrates her prowess with a Thompson submachine gun by taking an aim at a cartoon of Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo and stenciling a V on it with bullets; earlier, she and Kam Tong get clumsily written "we're all in this together" speeches.

It an early production of the King Brothers, and they were still learning their way, getting subpar scripts and projects...and then handing them over to ambitious directors and skilled cameramen. As a whole film, this one wasn't one to put on anyone's resume, but at least it was a paycheck, and everyone gave honest value for their wages.... except possibly screenwriter Henry Blankfort; still, he never turned in a particularly good script, so we'll give him a pass on this.

Which is what you might wish to do with this movie.
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