"What Kinda Monster Do You Think I Am?!"...
29 April 2019
In EASTER BUNNY, KILL! KILL!, Mindy Simmons and her disabled son Nicholas (Charlotte Marie and Ricardo Ray) are planning on spending a nice Easter time together. Mindy also has a surprise for her son. She has a new boyfriend, named Remington (Timothy Muskatell). Unbeknownst to the Simmons', Remington happens to be a heartless murderer.

Upon his arrival, Remington pretty much moves in and takes over. When Mindy finds herself in need of a babysitter for Nicholas, Remington happily volunteers. Unfortunately, he has plans of his own for the evening, involving drugs, prostitutes and a freakish "friend" who has an unsavory interest in Nicholas!

What Remington and his fellow frolickers don't know is that their party is about to be interrupted by grisly slaughter! Has the Easter Bunny shown up to dole out the retribution?

Bizarre, funny, and brutally violent, this movie will make the gorehounds soar heavenward with glee, while others may flee from the room! For such a low-budget film, the effects are quite good, and the acting is far better than expected. Even the cheeeze-level is lower than most movies of this sub-genre.

Highly entertaining!...
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