The Flying Dutchman (2001 TV Movie)
1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens in Montana in 1975. A young boy, Shawn, a son of an artist, discovers his mom is fooling around on dad, and so does dad. Then suddenly we go from a daylight picture postcard to a nighttime storm on a boat as Shawn watches daddy kill mommy and then die. He is raised by a neighbor in a town filled with mist, missing teen girls, a bunch of guys with anger management issues, and a woman who lives in fear of everything. Lacey (Oxenberg) runs an art studio in NY and has obtained a painting by Shawn. She wants more of them, so she travels out to Montana to meet the artist. She discovers Shawn is a mute (who owns a phone) and like most studio owners she makes love to the artist. There are several love making scenes between the two, one of which could be described as "brief nudity" (about 3 frames of a possible body double). Joan Benedict plays Rod Steiger's wife.

The town's name is Dark Hollow and it has a secret. Warning: Contains full frontal nudity (Ellina McCormick) and an ending that made no sense. Also released under the title "The Flying Dutchman" which also doesn't make much sense.
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