Sweet, Powerful, Impactful,
3 May 2019
Immensely sweet, warm and investing, A Star is Born is our first time seeing Bradley Cooper in a leading role in several years, and what a comeback. We can see exactly why he has not been in any film beyond playing Rocket Racoon in the MCU for a long time, cause he was pouring his heart and soul in to this film. Writing, Directing, learning how to sing, play guitar, and also playing a genuinely enriched, layered character. I was engaged and routing for this flawed character from start to finish.

Lady Gaga is also spellbinding as Ally, doing something that no one really expected from her, playing a soft spoken, shy character with so much believability. I was convinced it was similar to who she is in real life, and was very surprised to hear her say in a recent interview that she is nothing like that, she was just sincerely playing a character..

The only issue I had with the film that brought it down for me was the ending, which I found underwhelming, so to speak. It just felt like a cheap shot, an easy route to take in order to bring the audience to tears. I understand that this is how the other three "A Star is Born" films ended, but a modern day audience expect a bit more. It just fell flat for me.

The music is beautiful. Featuring many original songs that are both inspiring and heartwarming. "Maybe It's Time", "Shallow", and "I Don't Know what Love Is", are particularly beautiful tracks.

An entertaining ride, featuring two terrific characters that you will definitely find yourself forgetting are played by the dude from the Hangover and the woman who sung Poker Face, A Star is Born is bursting with heart and soul.

An old time musician helps a young woman get her big break.

Best Performance: Lady Gaga
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