Black Gold (1936)
Lively Little Programmer
16 May 2019
Plot-- The O'Reilly father and son have leased an apparently dry-hole oil well and will soon have to turn it back to the owner Anderson if it doesn't soon produce. But is it really a dry-hole or does Anderson know something the well meaning O'Reilly's don't. Meanwhile, will O'Reilly Jr. ever take to book learning, and will the two good-lookers Hank and Cynthia finally get romantic.

The independent production's a well done 30's programmer, with a solid story, good acting, and location filming at a real oil field that also proves eye-catching. (My guess is the Signal Hills site in greater LA.) Even Mason and Darro as well as the extras look dirty enough to be actually working there. Also, youngster Darro scoots around like a little cannonball, apparently doing all his own stunts up and down the rig.

Then too, the romantic interludes between Mason and Shea blend well into the storyline without interrupting it. Also, director Hopton keeps things moving, along with some action coming right at the camera, so be prepared to duck. I guess the only drawback is 'Snowflake' Toones supplying racial humor, but at least he's not heavily mocked and even appears as one of the roughnecks.

All in all, the details add up to nifty hour's entertainment, better than average for its programmer type.
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