Pretty, glorious, and brutally funny
30 May 2019
I saw Quentin Tarantino's 8th film on opening night in 70 mm, intermission and all. It was pretty big and fantastic, if not a little bit exhausting. Thankfully, the intermission allowed for a bathroom break.

I just watched it again, now 4 years later, as the extended edition on Netflix, broken into four episodes, and in UHD 4K.

The snowy vistas in high def digital are as epic and beautiful as you'll see in any film. The majority of the story happens indoors, though, in Mimi's Haberdashery, which provides a more intimate feel, as if you are alone with these characters with the blizzard outside, and the noisy footsteps on the wooden floors inside (You need two boards!)

The featured racism of Tarantino's films, and liberal use of the "N" word, doesn't age well with time. It jars. It seems less funny, and even a little sad. But it is what it is, and will stand the test of time in its quality, and what it tried to say as an adjunct to entertainment. What cannot be denied are the performances that Tarantino brings out of his eclectic mix of characters. Walter Goggins still is a standout performance, and thankfully, a redemptive one.

I look forward to seeing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, knowing that QT will once again bring together time, music, set pieces, gore, dark humor, pulpy dialogue, and more - and would also like to see how his take on the more regrettable aspects of our culture has (or hasn't) evolved over the last few years.
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