Review of Toy Story 4

Toy Story 4 (2019)
A sequel that didn't need to be made...but I'm glad it was!
16 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As far as conclusions to beloved franchises go, Toy Story 3 is hard to beat. The film tugs at the heartstrings, as we learn that Andy's toys are no longer his, and cuts deep with the realisation that growing up means letting go.

Naturally, I had a lot of trepidation heading into Toy Story 4. It wasn't so much about whether the film would be good or not, as Pixar have been pretty reliable in that regard. Rather it was about whether, despite the best efforts from everyone involved, Toy Story 4 would be able to shake off feeling unnecessary. Well, I'm happy to report that not only is Toy Story 4 a triumph, but the film's heartfelt finale feels like a proper send-off for Woody and his friends and proves that it was a story that needed to be told.

The best way to summarise is that Toy Story 3 is the end of Andy's story, while Toy Story 4 is (likely) the end of the toys' story.

While essentially a roadtrip film, the story focuses on the toys finding their place in the outside world for the first time and it's hard not to draw the analogy between young adults moving out of home. The film captures the feeling of uncertainty but also the new found possibility that leaving a place of comfort entails and it's a joy to see the series mature along with the kids who first watched Toy Story back in 1995.

It is also, undoubtedly, the funniest Toy Story film, largely due to a bevy of hilarious new supporting characters. Forky is a definite highlight while Keanu Reeves steals his scenes as Duke Caboom and Key and Peele bring their expert comedic timing to a pair of carnival-prize plush toys who are attached together by their hands but bounce off each other like rubber balls.

Thanks to a consistently funny script, the film is a blast to watch when it's not making your eyes well up, but either way the film will likely leave you crying. If you're still skeptical about the film, let me just say that, nine years may have passed between sequels, but the series' heart is beating as strong as ever.
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