A great idea that falls apart under appalling writing and overwrought direction
18 June 2019
It was a good premise and started well but as it's gone on I've just found it increasingly annoying.

Everyone speaks in great big thundering expository speeches, plot points are foreshadowed in fifty foot high neon signs, subtext is applied with the subtlety of a boot up the arse.

Call me old fashioned but I like it when actors don't look they're acting.

It also wants to have its cake and eat it in terms of Black Mirror-esque "5 minutes from now future shock" but has layered on a stupid amount of technological developments in a ridiculous amount of time yet the gran is still alive and healthy and apart from Rory Kinnear's hairline, none of the characters have undergone any change in appearance.

Oh and I hate absolutely everyone in it, every single character. Apart from the poor Ukrainian fella.

And the score is appalling - that OTT faux gothic horror at every plot development (including running over someone's bike)

The most grossly over-reviewed show I can remember in a long time.
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