The Quake (2018)
Absolutely loved it!
3 July 2019
If you're going to watch this expecting to see something similar to 'San Andreas', then this is probably not for you. This is not Hollywood schmultz all about visuals and nothing else. This film goes much deeper and is more about family bonding during a natural disaster. Yes, they tried that in 'San Andreas' as well, but that was sentimental and cheesy. This is far more realistic.

This sequel to 'The Wave' is equally good, and thoroughly enjoyable. One tends to forget the wave in 'The Wave' was actually caused by an earthquake, so it makes sense to have an earthquake sequel. The cinematography is stunning! This film looks simply beautiful on screen.

So, the original cast is back for another disaster adventure. The film pretty much follows the same pattern as 'The Wave'. The suspense builds slowly but ever so effectively. It was a bit over-dramatized at times, but it adds to the suspense and its a hell of a lot of fun!

The visual effects during the third act is incredible! As they say, save the best for last!
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