Christmas Joy (2018 TV Movie)
Maybe bake a new batch...
20 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can't decide if I love or hate this movie. I find myself watching it when it's on but I'm irritated the entire time. I like the actors but so many things are written in such an annoying way.

1. Why is Ben such an a-hole to Joy the minute they run into each other and throughout? He's almost un-likeable. His digs at Joy being a city girl, and taking offense because she offers to pay for his services are just rude. Plus, how he arrogantly rattles off all the cookies needed for the cookie crawl (we'll get to that later...) How she sees past this to find him attractive are beyond me. 2. How does the aunt, a 4-year winner, not have a plan for this cookie crawl weeks, if not months, in advance? If it means so much to her where was all the pre-planning vs waiting a week before Christmas 🤔 3. Why doesn't Joy just ask the aunt what theme to use? She's got blueprints of previous years. She can't just tell Joy what to do? Again 🤔 4. I think the words "cookie crawl" are WAY overused in this movie. It's sooooo annoying after about 30 minutes. 5. Why are there so, so, SO many digs at working/living in the city? Doesn't Hallmark ever get tired of (insert reason) someone has to return to their small town, ho-hum life, said someone runs into old flame then must give up everything they worked hard for so they can conveniently uproot their life and move back to the place they avoided for years? Ugh....I love Hallmark but it's time for new story lines that don't shame women for being successful!!

I'm typing this while watching the movie. Overall, feels like a batch of cookies that aren't quite right but you eat them anyway.
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