Christmas Joy (2018 TV Movie)
missed fun cooking sequence
20 July 2019
Joy Holbrook (Danielle Panabaker) runs a market research group for the Washington DC Weatherton store which is noticed by the store CEO Poppy Weatherton. Her work piles up as she is promised a promotion. Then her aunt Ruby takes a fall and she promises to take over the Cookie Crawl back in their hometown of Crystal Falls, NC. Ruby is best friends with Ben Andrews (Matt Long)'s mother and they even forced them to go on a date once when Ben came home from college. Nevertheless, Joy refuses help from Ben until the work from both the store and the baking starts to overwhelm.

With so much imaginary baking, this movie needs some Lucille Ball physical comedy. There is surprisingly little on-screen baking. It's only until the big rescue when the cooking montage begin and it's not fun anyways. It's missing a fun section when Joy and Ben bumble their way in the kitchen. I don't expect much from these Hallmark Christmas specials but they shouldn't miss the easiest shots. They should at least know enough to take those shots. I do like the simple progression of the romance. This is nothing special and it missed its chance to have a few more fun with the premise.
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