Atmospheric and traditional horror
27 August 2019
Witches feels a whole lot like Blair WItch Project, without the 'found footage' aspect and could be seen as the semi-decent follow up that Blair Witch never truly got.

A bunch of college kids head into the mountains, to party in a cosy cabin but their journey encounters problems when they head off-road whilst taking an ill-advised short cut into some (as legend goes) haunted woods. The situation gradually turns from bad to worse and it slowly dawns on them that there is something threatening their survival more than the cold wilderness.

It's very nicely shot in the snowy mountains, which adds realism to the plight of the stranded kids, whose performances are all solid. A few scenes at its world premiere were enough to make the FrightFest audience gasp, so there's some good horror moments in it but nothing that a mainstream crowd will find too startling.

The film builds tension nicely, if a bit too slowly and I did find myself repeatedly questioning the plot turns but on the whole it held itself togther and stuck to its guns without the need for cheap CG effects and random boring jump scares - although I did jump out of my seat at one point.

Not a ground-breaker like Blair Witch but if you're a fan of that classic, as I am, there's enough genuine intention in this movie to keep it interesting.
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