Love Stage!! (2014)
Not cute, just creepy.
10 September 2019
Okay so I have a couple of problems with this anime. First thing I will say is that the basic premise of 'boy falls in love as a child and they reunite' has the potential to be a cute story but this anime is not as PG as that.

(This part may contain slight spoilers) The main character of this anime Ryouma sexually assaults his love interest Izumi multiple times and everyone just seems to accept it? Ryouma forces Izumi to undress, proceeds to kiss him and fondle him until Izumis brother intervenes and initially Izumis brother tries to keep Ryouma away from his little brother (dealing with victims guilt) but eventually just decides Ryouma is a good guy? Anyways next Ryuoma and Izumi become friends and Ryuoma repetitively kisses an unconscious Izumi. Later in the series Izumi tells Ryuoma "to do as he pleases" with him and is visibly upset and uncomfortable and Ryuoma is delighted and proceeds to do so.

Personally I found the relationship creepy, and watching it progress wasn't satisfying as I wanted Izumi to stand up for himself and get away from Ryuoma.

The main two characters are not that likeable. The only characters that I found remotely interesting were Izumi's brother Shougo and the company manager Rey. I would have liked to see more about them, and their relationship rather than the main.

The animation was full of blank backgrounds, and instead of being artsy (like it seems to have been) it comes across as distracting.

I could continue to talk about the negative stereotypes it plays into about gender roles in gay relationships and the use of victims guilt to build a sexual relationship but this review is already too long and thought out for an anime that is the opposite.
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