The Good Fight: Day 485 (2018)
Season 2, Episode 12
Humorous Episode Targeting Hypocrisy in the White House
12 September 2019
When Melania's photos showed up in the final act, I knew exactly what was being skewered here.

Jay finds himself facing deportation after being pulled over by state cops while transporting a witness to a case. Thanks to the presence of Liz Reddick, the intent of the state to arrest Jay is discovered to be a ruse when Liz recognises ICE lawyers lurking. So begins a frantic chase to keep Jay locked up in state holding until they can prove he is American.

This episode resembles many previous great episodes of The Good Wife. Alicia, Diane, Kalinda and Will were always at their best when working against the clock. The same can be found here with Diane, Liz, Adrian and Marissa all doing their best to find ways to prevent the state releasing Jay while figuring out how they can prove Jay is American. Along the way are some absolutely hilarious gags (Jane Alexander reprises her role as a tough, fair judge who won't be cowed by the ICE), and brutal critiques on Trump's selection process of judges (the useless judge that Diane so masterfully buttered up a few weeks ago reveals himself to have been selected personally by Trump, and therefore loyal to whatever the federal government wants, all while struggling with the buttons on his robe).

Lucca continues to be the funniest person on this show. Cush Jumbo was magnetic on The Good Wife, but in every scene of The Good Fight, she gets to shine so wonderfully. Every beat she hits and every joke or emotional moment lands.

Eventually, the firm uses some dirty tricks to beat the ICE, but it's impossible to blame them. The hypocrisy exposed in the "Einstein" Visa program is deserving of being taken advantage off and everyone involved from the judge, the staff of Reddick, Boseman & Lockart and even the ICE realise this.

On the other side of things, Mia and Julius are battling to win a case for Colin Sweeney's new wife which, although is played mainly for gags, finds itself tied up with politics and threatens to spill out into the finale next week. The Good Fight is gathering some fantastic steam as it plows into its season 2 finale.
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