Westworld: Reunion (2018)
Season 2, Episode 2
The Stake
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
At a table in a saloon the man in black sits talking with his sidekick, Lawrence. Digging a piece of shrapnel out of his upper forearm with his knife, he asks "Do you believe in God, Lawrence? Did Ford saddle you with that particular affliction?" Lawrence expresses some cynicism regarding his soul potentially being cast down into some "dark place" and the man in black says he has been judged but he plans to appeal the verdict. Avoiding judgement appears to be the important thematic element here but it's not, really.

In a torture session led by Dolores a man's face is forcibly immersed in the white liquid used for forming hosts. He yells that it burns and there's a subtle indication of the man's skin being damaged beneath the thick syrupy layer of deceptively innocuous-looking muck.

People are very orange a lot of the time now, and very excessively so in low-light scenes which appear to also be lit with overly warm-colored lighting. It looks like varying, inconsistent combinations of self-tanner, makeup, and lighting. I've taken to judging the relative orangeness of people and noting the differences from one shot or scene to the next. It's not by choice; it seems to just be happening.

When Dolores and Maeve cross paths, Maeve asks Dolores' love interest, Teddy if he feels free. He clearly doesn't. Hector shouldn't either but he remains unaware of this.

Another super-pretentious BS diatribe from Dolores as she 'negotiates' with a Confederado Major to just commandeer his unit. She proclaims that she has killed God and now she's the (godlike) one whose favor will be needed to get to glory, and I can't stop noticing that the player is wearing color contacts.

A mass suicide is depicted as El Lazo's men all form a circle round the man in black and shoot themselves in the head rather than go with him as martial support. El Lazo then commits suicide as well. Evidently the shallow use of suicide as a BS-clever dramatic device will continue unabated (when they've done something lousy several times they tend to do it many times more). I've noticed the man in black has been coughing and sort of limping intermittently here and there.
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