The Golden Girls: Blanche's Little Girl (1988)
Season 3, Episode 14
Verbal criticism for a depressing show about verbal abuse.
30 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Certainly, Rue McClanahan is very good in this episode that is difficult to watch over and over because of the cruelty of Joe Regalbutto ("Murphy Brown") who treats Blanche's daughter Becky (Shawn Schepps) with great disrespect in spite of claiming that he wants to marry her. At first, Dorothy is more upset about it than Becky's own mother is, that is until Blanche has had enough and explodes. There's no real motive for Regalbutto's cruelty but it's just disturbing to watch. The minor plotline involves Sophia having issues at the fast food restaurant she works at and having to stand up to her tough-as-nails boss who wants to discreetly fire her and the two other older women who work there as well. Meg Wyllie plays his grandmother, her second role on the show, the first just a few episodes before this. I tend to either skip right through this or fast forward, only one of half a dozen that I feel about like this.
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