The Betsy (1978)
Allied Artisrt Great Movie
4 October 2019
Allied Artists was a small studio in Hollywood with a 3 acre lot not suitable for major filming in fact Allied used to rent space at Paramount down the street. Allied over the years produced some quality films such as Billy Wilder's Love in the Afternoon with Audrey Hepburn, El Cid with Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren, Soldier in the Rain with Steve McQueen, Tickle Me a Elvis Presley movie (in those days Elvis movies with the only sure thing that would make money and Allied needed an Elvis movie.) Allied was able to produce two extraordinary hits Cabaret with Liza Minelli and Papillion with Steve McQueen. It tried to stay in business but was found it difficult it had no television arm such as MGM and Columbia through its Screen Gems division or Universal TV or Warner Bros. TV. There was a successful television studio Desilu which not only had successful television shows such as Mission impossible and Star Trek and Lucy but also three Desilu studios collecting rent from various shows.

Allied produced this soap opera movie The Betsy with Lawrence Olivier and Tommy Lee Jones. I saw this movie in the theaters when it was released it was a good movie and audience favorite and Kathleen Beller was stunning in this film and surprised that she never made the industry.
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