You've met that merry murderess Roxie Hart. Now meet Suzie.
5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pamela Blake is Suzie Hart, assistant private detective to Tom Neal and sidekick Allen Jenkins. They are desperate for a client. Any client. While Neal and Jenkins are out of the office, the far too enthusiastic Blake takes on a case, supposed to snap a picture of the client's supposed estranged wife and shooting her instead! Along with Neal, Jenkins and the local law, Blake is desperate to clear herself in a complex case that mixes comedy, mystery and a few bits of noir.

While this has some clever moments (including a first person introduction and oral credits), the outcome is hard to swallow. Fourth billed Virginia Sale is only on briefly as Jenkins' man crazy pal who drops all sort of insinuations towards yet keeps getting the cold shoulder. She's a combination of Vera Vague, Judy Canova, Cass Dailey and Ann B. Davis, yet her appearance here is completely pointless with the exception of giving Jenkins some comedy to do. it's an innocuous little mystery that is entertaining for the type of film that it is, yet easily forgotten at less than 50 minutes.
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