Undermines its own case with heavy handed bias
5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The lack of self awareness is painful with this film, they complain about billionaires influence when their favored media npr/pbs are funded by the foundations of the monopolists from the gilded age, from the MacArthur Foundation to the Carnegie to the Rockefeller foundation, those 3 alone almost total 20 billion in endowments, never mind the rest. The lefts newspapers are little more than billionaires blogs, a wealthy patron behind each one, the woke corporate media again, billion dollar corporations with a virtual monopoly on journalistic speech, and now of course woke tech which gets to choose which journalistic speech is promoted and which is buried. Behind every point is an unacknowledged counter point of hypocrisy, lawfare for instance has been a staple of the left for the longest time. The film puts out a deliberately cartoon view of Peter Thiels views on controversial subjects when his speeches and writings are easily accessible for one to verify for themselves. This is again reflected in the cartoon depiction in silicon valley tv show referenced because these people aren't able to deal with his nuanced ideas without questioning their own ideology. This isn't a defense of journalism, these are partisan corporate journalists who have self appointed themselves as an arm of government. The owner, the funder is only bad if it is on the other team, that much is clear. Furthermore they undermined themselves by not addressing how the leftist ideology turned back in on itself to destroy Gawker from within. Concepts of "hate speech" were pushed undermining freedom, as to any church, the voice of a heretic is "hate speech". Even more pertinent is the idea of revenge porn. Add to this the endless expansion of victim classes and safe spaces enforced by cancel culture and you had gawker pushing hypocritical narratives where "harm" should be silenced, as long as they were the arbiters of harm, and so when they were in turn silenced based on harm it wasn't something one could sympathize with as they had already proven their only principle was what suited them in the moment. The last part of this padded film is an anti Trump diatribe. Trump just points at the press calling them out as fake and doesn't try to earn their approval. The press then confirms his accusation by running years of russian conspiracy theory, thus undermining the entire thesis of the documentary.
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