Malicious (2018)
Impossibly inorganic, with zero understanding of human interaction.
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
TLDR, I hate this movie. COMPLETELY devoid of organic human interaction.

Would only recommend it to someone who feels like shaking their head for a few days after.

The following is a rant, full of spoilers, that will only be understood if you've watched the movie.

I have so very many issues with this movie. First off, the director knew NOTHING about women's bodies. Or miscarriages. The female protagonist was SO pregnant, at least 7 or 8 months for a first-time mom with a naturally thin frame to show that much, which means a miscarriage isn't a miscarriage, it's a stillborn. There would have been a baby body to hold and mourn and bury, not just a token black doctor telling you in the hallway that it was a miscarriage. Also, there's no doctor in the world who would drop a "and you'll never have kids again" bomb right on top of that, while the dad is alone. There's also no guarantee of that, there's all kinds of things that can be done now to help fertility. Next, she got home the next day, completely flat-bellied. THAT'S NOT HOW BODIES WORK! You don't come home skinny the day after being hugely pregnant! And the dad should have been waaaayyy more shook up about it, that's literally the loss of a child, and any future of a child, not just a "Darn. We'll get over it." His acting was notably awful. At one point he got stabbed clear through the belly with a 6"+ blade, and it never came up again. He got stabbed all the way through his gut, went to his knees for ten seconds, then went on like he was fine. He didn't even bleed. And when the daughter ghoul threw him into the wall after, he didn't even clutch his side. And there were WAY too many unnecessary sex scenes, that were completely inorganic and are not how real people behave. Again, not understanding women, there's no WAY she would be all hot for him right after giving birth to a stillborn, emotionally or physically. And then the timeline was all screwed up, because after he was obviously arrested for murder, he sent the evil fertility box to the sister (which makes him cruel and evil, no matter how much he thought this was her fault), and she was suddenly super pregnant? How long did it take for the paranormal expert to visit him? He would have gone right away, and this was an open-shut murder case, taking no more than two months, and yet the belly-shirt wearing sister, who was obviously not pregnant, was suddenly 7 months along? And is that the only size the director thinks pregnant women get? There's 9 months of changing sizes, but he only went with 7 or 8 months, both times. And if only the box was haunted, why was the picture moving? Nothing else near the box was moving. And why on EARTH did the daughter ghoul come after the dad in the shower? Was it supposed to show tension? It was just weird, made more weird by her telling him that he wasn't supposed to "tell Mommy". The lines were cut-and-paste from a comic, completely lacking in emotion or human depth, and solely for the purpose of shoving the clunky plot along. Also, why wasn't Lisa working? Why was she all alone in the house all the time? She was going for runs, she obviously wasn't on bed rest. And she would have been WRECKED after losing and holding a stillborn, and there should have been a funeral, not just a blood stain (that would have been brown by the time they got back the next day, not still red), and she didn't show that at all. She almost-cried a few times, but it's emotionally devastating. And why was that same token hunky boy everywhere? That made no sense. He didn't even have a lot of lines. And why did Adam keep imagining the boy out having sex with the ladies in the rain? He never did, Adam's jealous brain just kept seeing things, and then the poor boy DIES for no reason! There's so much more to say, and no more room to say it. I'll leave it at a cold one-star rating. Not upsetting for any of the right reasons, just a truly poor representation of what the director and bad actors couldn't wrench past the concept stage.
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