A disappointing Aussie zom-com.
14 December 2019
An Aussie entry in the over-saturated zom-com genre, Me and My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse sees a group of friends/work colleagues hole up in a telephone exchange where they try to figure out a plan for survival. This formulaic scenario delivers very few surprises and the extremely low-brow and un-PC humour only occasionally hits the mark.

There is a fair amount of splatter that will please gore-hounds, with a neat shotgun blast to the head and lots of gut-munching, but nothing that we haven't seen many times before in much better movies.

Funniest lines (all delivered by Greg Fleet as Roy):

Roy trying to explain how open-minded he is: "Two of my mates are homos: Lesbo Shirl and Billy 'The Ball Bag' Butcher."

Roy tells his pals his nickname, given for his knowledge of dogs and ability to pick chips: "Dog-knowing and chip-picking Roy".

Roy wants to check if someone is infected: "Your cock and balls... get 'em out now."

Did I mention that the comedy wasn't very sophisticated?

3.5/10, rounded down to 3 for having zombies despatched by paintball guns: I'm all for the use of unorthodox weapons, but c'mon...
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