Horrible writer's equals horrible scripts
18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am 5 episodes into the first and probably only season. The acting is not that great but it is tolerable. The the wardrobes are a little over the top and not really coordinated. The Sargent running the human army ( ) is in a tight black leather jacket and tight pants. The rest of the military men are in uniforms. Except one guy (Max) the black goth guy with long hair hanging in his face. Also some of the worst acting on the show. Then we have Adam the Sargent's son. For some reason every shirt he owns has huge holes everywhere in it. Not sure why he is the only one with torn clothes.

The base seems to be a big underground complex with metal buildings on top but when seen from the air it's all tents. The lay out makes no sense. The section of land between the vampire's and the humans is no man's land. It's a belt several states wide down the middle of the U.S. But for some reason the military chose the desert to set up a base for the attack. No cover or anything. Just sitting out in plane sight. Very bad tactical move a lot of this show does not make sense at all. It leaves you wondering WTF are the writers thinking.

The scrips in this show make no sense. I have had to rewind so many times just to make sure I understood what they said. They try to be clever with changing words in little saying used everyday but totally screw it up. Like. Seeing the light of day in now seeing the light of night. Lol. The Sargent script is the worst. He will ask a question and instantly start screaming. No middle ground or patience. He son is always interrupting his conversations with the vampire girl by answering for her. Then the Sargent starts yelling. The vampire girl for some reason will not answer anything for the Sargent unless he is telling at her. She has no problem spilling her guts to the son.

I gave it 4 stars only because the scenes are halfway decent and it doesn't look cheesy. I honestly believe this show would be a lot better with subtitles
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