Review of Richard Jewell

I did not expect this
4 January 2020
I expected a very good film--I'm an Eastwood fan. But this film will haunt me. Hauser was compelling, not a single misstep. He recreated Jewell's mind, temperament, life. Showed that genius and decency does not necessarily come in a slick package. Hauser/Jewell was eminently likable and still drew sympathy. Visually he was not an imposing man, not your usual hero. His alleged personality traits came to be treasured. As his character was developed and exposed, we came to believe in him, trust him. willing to follow him. The lib Hollywood will never give this actor the recognition he deserves--it's up to the viewers.

Every performance was terrific. I loved hating Kathy Scruggs (by Olivia Wilde). I detested her, despised her. I hoped she would get hers and that I could be there when it happened. It was claimed she never got over the event (see the movie). What is known is she never redeemed herself for her role in the terrible persecution of Jewell. Some say she never got over it--that's on her. She died 5 years later of drug(s) overdose. It was undetermined if it was suicide or accidental. Olivia Wilde certainly deserves kudos for her performance.

As for the attorney Watson Byrant (Lucian Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr. in real life) played by Sam Rockwell--he made me cringe. Scary guy. But he was not distracted by red herrings. He checked facts then went full throated defender of Jewell. No mercy. I soon wanted to hire this guy--I just need the cause to justify it.

If you love this issue, or if you love excellent and nuanced performances--or both--you will enjoy this movie. The time flew by and the audience clapped at the end.
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