No, never count the time you had the same dream. Just reach It.
27 January 2020
Kobe Bryant's words describes in personal flashbacks : The gratitude, the love for game, the proud to represent the same shared spirit of success around the years, with his fans and country. The life, our life without witnesses is a kind of dream. A one that have to become real until the clock stops. Who knows? The time to love, to go, to rest, to grow up or just to thank.

Then the humbles traces of Glenn Keane come over Kobe's words. Few colours but always brighted by the warm voice of a grateful Kobe. Some seconds flow like a game clock and Keane play back to back, to Kobe's words. Sometimes the complex drawings appears when the last Kobe's moments appears playing on the Court or he had growed. Others are just like a little boy sketches and strokes, just living the emotion of respresent the idea that we'd enjoyed in our childhood: Play, have fun and smile.

Finally, John Williams conducts the heart of two men in the play court. Reads any creative and emotional moment, the movements between Bryant and Keane looking for success until the farewell. Williams is the coach, seeks the moments to take timeouts, no matter what come next, is Kobe's time. The chords touches the heart such a Mother listens to her kids, waiting for the time Kobe's call the game as the same way he love his family and parents. Maybe in this day, seems to be words to thank every one who had witness his life. Finally Williams, repeat in a triunfal and powerful chord, the crowd, success until the farewell.

Is an amazing short film, powerful and lovely. A perfect way to honor a great player and show us the way of built our dreams since childhood.

In Memoriam of Kobe Bryant's sport words, the Academy Award 2018 Winner - Dear Basketball...

"There is power in understanding the Journey of Others to help create your Own".
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